Mapping skills and training needs to improve accessibility in tourism- Final Report 2014


Mapping occupation, skills needs and training content

1. Accessible tourism training should take into account the context of training, the trainee’s prior qualifications, knowledge and experience, the level of the training to be delivered and visitors’ specific access requirements.

2. If a visitor experience is to be truly accessible then all elements of the supply chain or customer journey must be accessible. As a result, a person’s place in the tourism value chain is less important for determining skills and training needs than the role that this person fulfils in the business.

3. Thus, skills needs and training provision must differentiate between different skills levels (basic, in-depth) and different occupational roles (Managers with / without customer contact, frontline staff, others (including technical specialists).

4. Training content and learning outcomes should include Knowledge of disabilities / types of disability and access requirements, Barriers to accessibility & Design for All, Strategic development of accessibility in business, Principles of effective customer service, Proper etiquette for dealing with PwD, Recognising and responding appropriately to people using personal supports and Service animals and assistive technology

General Information

Submitted by: Silvia Balmas
Author(s): European Commission- Enterprise and Industry
Date published on the web: 26/06/2014
LHAC Languages: EN


